Noah Van Veldhuizen

Noah Van Veldhuizen

November 14, 2021 |

What was life like before you met Jesus?

Before I got to know Jesus in a personal relationship with him, my life revolved around my reputation, my achievements, and my belongings. I tried to conform to society, become more popular, and do things that non-believers said gave them satisfaction even though I could tell it wasn’t fulfilling them. Over time I learned that these things did not provide me with satisfaction or fulfill me.

How did you meet Jesus?

My oldest brother attended a Salt Network church when he transferred colleges. I could see a change in the way that he went about his life. When I completed high school and got to college I took for granted everything that I had learned growing up in the church. I did not live for Christ or seek out His will for me. The lack of satisfaction that I had from this life led me to realize I was getting nowhere as I saw my girlfriend flourishing with a Christ-centered community of friends who attended a Salt Network church. I quickly began changing my ways and leaning on my brother and girlfriend at the time (who is now my fiancée) for advice and help to see how beautiful the gospel is. God led me into a life for Him by understanding the gospel truly like I never have before. John 3:17 says "For God did not send his Son into this world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him." This verse helped me realize that God is not against us and he's not somebody that we have to measure up for, but that He loves us unconditionally before, during, and after we fall short because of our sin. This helped me understand how I've been reconciled to God and changed my heart to be for God and not for myself.

After being saved by Jesus what is your life like now?

Christ has fulfilled me in ways that the world never can. I am no longer searching for something that will be fun enough, cool enough, or bring me enough satisfaction from this world because I know that the only thing that will pass the death test and that I will take to heaven with me is my relationship with God through Jesus and I am excited to proclaim that to the world through baptism. God has revived my heart and my life as I now live for Him and not myself, Ephesians 2:5 says "even when we were dead in our trespasses, (God) made us alive together with Christ - by grace you have been saved...", this life for God is eternal and is so beautiful as it does not compare to a temporary life lived here on earth for ourselves with little to no real satisfaction and no relationship with our Creator - the only being who can show us true love.
