Staff Interview | Teryn Anderson

Staff Interview | Teryn Anderson

June 17, 2019 | Andrew Male

You may recognize most of our staff because of their visibility and involvement in leading ministries in their various contexts, either from stage, discipling people one on one, or leading our church family through Launch Point. We wanted to take a second to introduce you to someone who works behind the scenes. From message graphics to social media posts, Teryn Anderson is very much involved in everything you see on a Sunday and throughout the week. Teryn has been on the creative arts team since April of 2018 helping to reinforce our mission of “making disciples who shape our community” through the visual arts. She plays a major role in supporting our ministries, events, vision, and values through design. Keep reading to learn more about Teryn.

Tell us about your family.

I’ve been married to my husband, Daniel, for almost four years. We met in college at Iowa State through mutual friends. He’s very analytical and into nerdy things like chemistry and math. I, on the other hand, managed to squeeze my way through design school without taking a single math class—so you could say we balance each other out. He’s learned to gently keep me practical with my creative dreams and ideas. We’re currently renovating our 1947 cape cod home so our weekends are usually tied up with house projects. It has been a fun, humble, and challenging process to craft our style together on a budget.

How long have you been attending Veritas?

We’ve been attending Veritas since the DoubleTree days, so about four-ish years. It’s been so cool to see the growth of Veritas and how God has worked in our lives and in others throughout that time. Our original connection to Veritas was through Cornerstone in Ames. We attended there while in college at Iowa State where I was also involved in the Salt Company.

How would your friends and family describe you?

My family might describe me as competitive. If there’s ever a competition between me and my siblings I’m usually the first to raise my hand. I once made a $50 bet with my sister to swim across my parent’s pond in 40 degree weather. I never saw that $50 and she chickened out, so I guess all I was left with was a good story.

Do you like animals?

YES, so glad you asked (ha!). I don’t know why God gave me such a love for all things furry and feathery, but I love taking care of his creation and have grown to appreciate the vastness of it over the years. I grew up on an acreage, about 20 minutes outside of Cedar Rapids, and was always trying to nurture the baby bunnies, birds, and kittens when I was young. At twelve years old I talked my dad into letting us get baby ducks which I raised and let loose on our pond. I even had a pet raccoon named Ringo at one point in time. Fast forward a few years, and here I am talking my husband into backyard chickens! We’ve been chicken owners for about a year and very much enjoy the fresh eggs and scraps we’re able to keep out of our garbage. I’m a big advocate for a flock in every yard so if you’re interested, Cedar Rapids has a generous and practical ordinance. We also have two dogs, a 6 year old Maltipoo, named Leo. He’s named after Leonardo Da Vinci, the famous Renaissance artist and scientist—kind of like me and Daniel. Then there’s Lucy, our sweet and excitable Goldendoodle, who we adopted from a friend a few years ago.

What do you enjoy doing in your free time?

I love listening to podcasts, and spending time outdoors either gardening, tending my plants, pulling weeds (yes, I like to pull weeds), running, or walking our dogs. I spend all day on my computer so I intentionally try to unplug when I get home from work. It’s kind of a form of worship for me. What better way to show gratitude to our creator than by spending time in his creation! I love the quote by Martin Luther, “God writes the gospel not in the Bible alone, but also on trees, and in the flowers and clouds and stars.”

What do you do at Veritas?

My fingerprints are all over most of the visual things you see around Veritas! I love my job, and feel super blessed I’m able to use my gifts to inspire and encourage people through design, whether that’s crafting a social media post, designing t-shirts, or a series graphic (the Parables has been one of my favorites). It’s been fun to help shape the creative culture here at Veritas, bring materials to life, and help things look cohesive through signage, booklets, and other promotional materials. I was able to study abroad in Rome in college and have always been inspired by the role art has played in advancing the gospel through visual storytelling. One time after Sunday service a 12 year old boy showed me a sketch he made of a series graphic I had just designed. It was a major learning moment and reminder for me to not underestimate the impact design might have on someone’s first impression of a story or their opportunity to contemplate and worship whether through a simple sketch or just by glancing at a booklet. People are impacted by the way information is presented through color, shapes, and type. It is similar to how we’re impacted by God’s creation, like a rainbow after a spring rain or how colors change in the fall—it all sends a message—and I love that I have a small role to play because of God’s example.

What excites you most about being a part of Veritas Church?

I love the people of Veritas. Without the hands and feet of God’s people we would have no body and no church. It’s been so moving to see God bring people through our doors and ignite hearts to give, serve, and love Jesus more. I know I share the same opinion as many of our staff, that Baptism Sundays are some of the most exciting and encouraging Sundays. For me, there’s nothing more beautiful than gaining brothers and sisters who commit their lives to our Lord and Savior, Jesus, and that we’ll get to share an eternity in heaven.

Andrew Male

Communications & Production Director