Welcome Michael Rhodes!

Welcome Michael Rhodes!

January 28, 2019 | Andrew Male

With joy and excitement we want to introduce our newest staff member, Michael Rhodes! Michael and his family join us at Veritas where Michael will serve as the director of staff and ministries. If you see him around be sure to give him and his family a warm Iowa welcome! Read the interview below to get to know him a little better.

Tell us about your family. (How long you’ve been married, how many kids and their ages, how did you and Erica meet, etc.)

I met my wife Erica while serving together on a church staff in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. She loved Jesus and people more than anyone I had ever encountered. We married on May 30, 2009, and we now have three boys. We adopted Jeremy, age 7, in August 2017 after nearly three years as his foster parents. Amos will turn 3 at the end of March, and Abel (aka Abe) just hit the six month mark.

Where did you grow up? Where else have you lived? Why are you moving to Cedar Rapids?

I was born and raised in a small town in South Carolina. After college, I moved to New Orleans to start seminary. After only one semester, I was offered a job at a church in Baton Rouge. I moved there, commuted to New Orleans to finish my degree, and ended up being on staff at that church on LSU’s campus for almost thirteen years. We left Louisiana to help plant a church in Alpharetta, GA, just north of Atlanta. So after 36.5 years in the South, God has moved us to Cedar Rapids to be a part of this wonderful community at Veritas. On Christmas Day, I told Erica, “I’m so excited to get to Cedar Rapids.” I never imagined this Southern boy would ever say that, but it’s so true!

How did you become a Christian?

I grew up as a good kid going to church and not getting into much trouble. Unfortunately, I thought I was too good for anyone whose goodness didn’t line up with mine. I was prideful, selfish, and very much a modern-day Pharisee. After God revealed the gospel to me at a revival service at my home church when I was 14, I realized that no matter how “good” I thought I was, I was never good enough to have a relationship with a holy God. Christ had died for my sins. He had risen to give me new life. That night, I knelt beside my parents’ bed, trusted Christ, and chose to follow him.

How would your family and friends describe you?

My friends that know me well would describe me as dependable, steady, deliberate, and laid back. They’d never describe me as the life of the party, but I don’t think they’d say I was the death of it either! Erica would say I’m intentional, thoughtful, a lover of sports, loyal, caring, compassionate, and goofy. My kids would describe me as fun, a lover of their hugs, the strongest person alive, the greatest athlete to ever live, and Batman.

What do you enjoy doing in your free time?

I love spending time with Erica, especially going on dates without the kids. We love to laugh, watch Netflix, and dance together in the kitchen. I also love hanging out with our boys. We wrestle, read, sing, play, and dance together too. I love to play and watch sports. I especially enjoy playing golf. I’m a life-long fan of the National Champion Clemson Tigers! I also like to workout. Unfortunately, I like food just as much.

Where would you like to go on vacation if you had a month off and money was no object?

Australia and New Zealand sound like a lot of fun! The first two weeks would be going on adventures with our boys, and the second two would be just me and Erica.

What excites you most about being a part of Veritas Church?

The way God is moving among such a humble and authentic group of people here at Veritas is so encouraging and refreshing. The selflessness, hospitality, and genuine care we’ve already been shown have exemplified Jesus and created such an excitement for us to be here. We’re so grateful for Veritas and its mission, and we look forward to many years of making disciples alongside such a loving family!

What’s the most useless piece of information you know?

When you initially look at a married, already gray-haired, laid back, pastor with three boys, you’d never associate me with knowing an abnormally large amount of lyrics to 90’s hip-hop songs. They’re useless to know and unexpected coming from me, but I still enjoy most of them. 🙂

Andrew Male

Communications & Production Director