Baptism | Cruz Brannan

Baptism | Cruz Brannan

November 14, 2021 |

What was life like before you met Jesus?

Before I met Jesus, I was lacking joy and direction. I was unclear on life and how to be happy. I would try to find my happiness in finding friends and earthly desires, when my joy can only be found in the good news of Jesus. I didn’t realize I was missing direction in my life until after being saved. Knowing who God is gives me purpose and direction in a scary and dark world.

How did you meet Jesus?

Over many years Jesus has been calling my name in several ways. My parents have raised me with a firm faith and understanding of the Word. Their wisdom and guidance led me in the direction of Christ. Christian community and youth groups have also been monumental in the growth of my love for Christ. I have known who God was for a long time, but through these messages and community I learned what it truly meant to have salvation. Mark 12:30 says that “you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.” It was during this time that I truly understood the meaning and impact that the Gospel has and needs to have on my life.

After being saved by Jesus what is your life like now?

Being saved by God is the best gift that I do not deserve. Salvation in Jesus gave me the promise of more than just this life. I am comforted with joy and hope from God by knowing his promises. I know that my sinfulness is forgiven, and it does not depend on me. God calls me into his service to be an ambassador for him everywhere I go. God’s love and grace provides me with everything I need, and through Jesus my sins have been paid for. I have been given a new heart and the promise of eternal life in heaven with the Creator. Romans 10:9 says “because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” My baptism is a public expression of how I have repented and confessed that Jesus is my Lord and savior and undeservingly received the gift of salvation.
